Set in a pretty Oxfordshire village in an AONB, Manton was introduced to this Grade II listed project after the owners had had planning refused.
Listed Village House
Manton’s advisory team was tasked with rethinking the strategy and design. Manton appointed a new architect who was sympathetic to the project and the local planning authority. Working with the new architect, ecologists and heritage consultants we gained approval for a single storey extension, full renovation and development of the outbuildings into ancillary accommodation.
Work started in Spring 2024, with completion in Autumn, including hard and soft landscaping to the garden.
Internally the new extension with lantern rooflight has created valuable additional living and entertaining space. The new kitchen and bathrooms, along with the internal redecoration bring cohesive and sympathetic design.
The once derelict outbuildings have been redeveloped into multi-functional ancillary accommodation ensuring the property is future proofed for the current owners.
Please contact us to discuss your project and how we can help you.